5 Things You Can Expect When Getting a Tooth Implant

Dental implants are a popular and effective solution for replacing missing teeth. They offer a long-lasting and natural-looking option that can restore your smile and improve your overall oral health. 

If you are considering getting a tooth implant, here are five things you can expect during and after the procedure.

1. Consultation and Exam

Before the implant procedure can begin, you will need to schedule a consultation with your dentist. During this appointment, your dentist will examine your mouth and take x-rays to determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure. 

You may also discuss any concerns or questions you have about the implant process.

2. Implant Placement

Once you have been cleared for the procedure, the implant placement process can begin. This typically involves a minor surgical procedure during which the implant post is placed into your jawbone. 

Your dentist will use local anesthesia to numb the area and ensure that you are comfortable during the procedure. The implant post will be left to heal in your jawbone for several months so that it can fuse with the bone and create a strong foundation for the replacement tooth.

3. Abutment Placement

Once the implant post has healed and integrated with the jawbone, you will return to your dentist for the abutment placement. This involves attaching a small connector piece to the implant post that will attach to the replacement tooth. 

Your dentist will make a small incision in your gums to expose the implant post and attach the abutment.

4. Replacement Tooth Placement

After the abutment has been placed, your dentist will take impressions of your mouth to create a custom replacement tooth. This may involve a temporary tooth while the permanent one is being created in a dental lab. 

Once the permanent replacement tooth is ready, your dentist will attach it to the abutment and make any necessary adjustments to ensure a comfortable and natural fit.

5. Recovery and Maintenance

The replacement tooth placement is the final step in the tooth implant process. Your dentist will take impressions of your mouth to create a custom replacement tooth that matches the shape, size, and color of your natural teeth. In some cases, a temporary tooth may be provided until the permanent one is ready. 

Once the permanent replacement tooth is ready, your dentist will attach it to the abutment and make any necessary adjustments to ensure it fits comfortably and looks natural. You may need to return for follow-up appointments to ensure that the implant is functioning properly and to address any concerns or issues that may arise.

Feel Confident With Your Dental Implant

Getting a tooth implant is a major dental procedure, but it can offer many benefits for those who are missing teeth. By understanding what to expect during the implant process, you can feel more confident and prepared for the procedure. Be sure to discuss any concerns or questions you have with your dentist, and follow their instructions for proper recovery and maintenance of your new implant. With proper care, your implant can last for many years and provide a natural-looking and functional replacement tooth.

If you’re in need of a tooth implant, Brush Dental has you covered. We are the best cosmetic dentist in Seattle, committed to providing our patients with the best possible care. Get in touch with us today to learn more.

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